PSB DESIGNING par Alex Camarillo
Alex Camarillo explore en détail la créativité faite autour des albums et singles des Pet Shop Boys au cours de leur longue carrière ,la personnalisation des différents formats et la participation d'artistes très talentueux , photographes, créateurs de costumes et graphistes tels que Mark Farrow ,Eric Watson ,David Fielding et Jeffrey Bryant parmi ceux qui ont contribué au design des Pet Shop Boys comme une icône visuelle de la culture pop.
PSB DESIGNING par Alex Camarillo est sur facebook et instagram
Bilingual” was launched on September 1996 as the sixth album of Pet Shop Boys. The artwork was designed by Mark farrow and PSB using photos of Chris Heath, José Cea and Andy Earl and the original idea had been that it should look like luxury packaging. The first attempt for the CD was a pillow pack -a rigid, curved, opaque case, that didn’t work because it was too expensive. A second idea was a sandblasted front, but that also proved too costly. In the end, a semi-opaqued frosted surface was used on the CD case forming the single word “Bilingual” in clear plastic; underneath, the yellow booklet can be seen with the word “Pet Shop Boys” visible beneath the title.
The LP was an attempt to emulate the CD case using a yellow panel with white type and frame instead. The pictures inside were all holiday snaps or informal photographs taken during the ‘Discovery Tour’ or for “Literally”. All the images were printed twice to reflect the ‘bi’ for ‘bilingual’ and this was the first time the lyrics were included in the album package. As part of the promotion, a special edition titled “A Taste of Bilingual” was produced in a 12” x 8”, PVC ‘frosted’ box including a 5-track CD, photo prints, chronology and biography of the band.
The LP, CD and Cassette releases of “Bilingual” included 12 tracks and used the same artwork. Almost a year later a Double Special Edition of the album was released including a bonus CD titled “Bilingual Remixed” including remixes of most of the singles and B-Sides of the album and featuring a photo taken by Andy Earl printed twice in a yellow frame with yellow type. On June 2001 a remastered edition of “Bilingual” was produced as part of the “Further Listening” series including the original album and a bonus CD with some Remixes, Demos, B-Sides and unreleased versions of songs of the “Bilingual-era”; the front cover, as the rest of the “Further Listening” series, was the original CD artwork in yellow -and clear yellow simulating the ‘frosted’ packaging without any type on it.